As technology has evolved, the world has moved from mercury thermometers to more advanced digital instruments. Digital thermometers can be divided into two broad categories: contact and non-contact.
Contact thermometers use electronic temperature sensors to record body temperature. They can be used on the forehead, mouth, armpits or rectum. The main types of non-contact thermometers are infrared thermometers and heat sensors, which typically measure temperature on the forehead or temple. Non-contact also means that the person-to-person disinfection process is minimal or unnecessary, allowing easier and faster use when screening large numbers of people, such as in healthcare facilities, workplaces, airports or border crossings.
There is a separate category of ear thermometers, which are mainly recommended for taking children's temperature. Winterthur Medical's webshop offers a wide range of contact and non-contact thermometers, the latter available in handheld and wall-mounted versions.
As technology has evolved, the world has moved from mercury thermometers to more advanced digital instruments. Digital thermometers can be divided into two broad categories: contact and non-contact. Contact thermometers require the body to be touched to measure temperature. Remote or non-contact thermometers can measure without touching the skin.
Digital contact thermometers use electronic temperature sensors to record body temperature. They can be used on the forehead, mouth, armpits or rectum. The main types of non-contact thermometers are infrared thermometers and heat sensors, which typically measure temperature on the forehead or temple. The absence of contact also means that the person-to-person disinfection process is minimal or unnecessary, allowing easier and faster use when screening large numbers of people, such as in healthcare facilities, airports or border crossings.
There is a separate category of ear thermometers, which are mainly recommended for taking the temperature of young children.
Winterthur Medical's webshop offers a wide range of contact and non-contact thermometers, the latter available in handheld and wall-mounted versions.