What diseases is it recommended for?
- Musculoskeletal diseases
Contusion, distortion, haematoma, rupture of ligament, muscle or tendon, fracture
rupture of ligament, muscle or tendon (ruptura),
fracture (fracture)
- Overuse disorders
Tendinitis, myositis, bursitis
Inflammation of periosteum at the attachment or origin of muscles
(e.g. "tennis elbow" = periostitis due to overuse at the site of attachment of the extensor muscle of the forearm.)
- Degenerative lesions
Arthritis, cartilage wear (arthrosis)
Arthritis (arthritis)
Pain relief and reduction of inflammation in spinal disorders (e.g. lumbago)
Muscle disorders: e.g. muscle pain, joint contracture
Musculoskeletal disorders can cause problems and pain in different parts of the body or in several joints.
The healing time of traumatic and sports injuries is shortened by soft laser therapy!
When used before surgery, it accelerates the absorption of haematomas and oedemas, making the surgical site more accessible and reducing pain.
Also use the laser 1-2 times a day after surgery for faster healing.
In the case of fractures, a "small window" is cut into the casted limb, so that direct laser light intensively promotes the ossification process.
- Dermatological diseases
For skin lesions, abrasions and post-operative wounds, it promotes the regeneration of normal tissue and helps the healing of wounds and ulcers that are difficult to heal.
- Dental and oral diseases
Superficial skin and mucous membrane diseases (e.g. herpes, mouth sores, ulcers aphta) and gingival atrophy can be treated with the help of the accessory fibre optics.
Toothaches and inflammations can be effectively treated either through the face (externally) or with the fibre optics (internally)
It accelerates the healing of soft and bone tissue after dental treatments, oral surgery, tooth implantation.
Aids epithelial adhesion around dental implants (ossification phase).
Shortens the healing time after surgery and allows for faster suture removal.
Relieves acute pain during orthodontic treatment and helps the teeth to move faster (shortens orthodontic treatment time)
Mouth lock (trismus) - A long-lasting spasm of the jaw muscles can develop for a number of reasons, e.g. from an inflamed wisdom tooth...
After a few minutes of Safe Laser treatment on the jaw joint, the muscle in the jaw joint relaxes, the lock in the mouth is released in a few minutes and the inflammation is reduced.
- Ear, nose and throat conditions
Tinitus is reduced or eliminated in many cases.
For acute hearing loss, it improves hearing when used with fibre optics.
Alleviates symptoms of sinusitis and respiratory tract inflammation.